The Rear-View Mirror

The Journey, A Taxi Driver And A Book

by Vineet Bhatt


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21-01-2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781482843378
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781482843361
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781482843354

About the Book

Travel through the twisting, grinding and bumpy road of life demands frequent introspection and self interrogation. Pausing, reflecting, revisiting the route, examining the effect of your words and actions and doing a course correction is essential if you wish to craft a remarkable legacy worth emulating. Philip Young was very proud of his background but was haunted by the fear of failure. His frantic clutch at security and his desperate longing for the comfort zone is remindful of our own certain tight spots in life. What happened during that day’s travel and immediately thereafter that prompted a mysterious change in Philip which forty odd years couldn’t? What was the treasure buried between the ears of a taxi driver and the wealth that lay in the pages of a book? Experience the saga of the journey Philip Young was so sceptical about, the company of a taxi driver that was barely exciting to start with, and a book he carried merely to see him through the idle hours of the journey.

About the Author

Vineet R Bhatt hails from Jamshedpur and currently resides in Hyderabad, India. He is a qualified engineer and a postgraduate in business management. He enjoys reading, writing, and reflecting while physical fitness and family are his top priorities. He is also a public speaking trainer and leadership coach. - vineet bhatt - @vineetrbhatt