Begins with declaring God as everybody’s final destination.
Shares own inner turmoil that led to finally recognize the least
preferred life of truth as the Narrow Way that leads to God
and the most preferred materialistic and unscrupulous options
in life as ‘wide ways to destruction’. …xiii
1. Introduction
Sets the context drawn from Matt 5, wherein Lord Jesus
defines surpassing righteous requirements. Crisply defines
‘divinity’ as ‘ultimate fitness to live with God in Heaven’ and
identifies at the outset that ‘suffering’ is inescapable to reach
God. Describes the book as an experiential charting of the
journey of life which is The Narrow Way to Divinity taught
by Lord Jesus. ….1
2. Going astray the ungrateful way
Analyses the Fall of Adam and Eve to logically deduce that
ingratitude is the root cause for losing the Way to Divinity. ...5
3. How free is our free will?
Systematically establishes that human ‘free will’ is no longer
free because of the defilement wrought by original sin —
confused mind and sensual heart. That is why we often act
against our own will, steered by the senses. ….9
4. True freedom
Explains how true freedom from sensual slavery is possible
by God’s grace when we surrender to Him, as He alone can
preserve our freedom in the face of adversity and sensual
lures. …..11
5. Finding the narrow way
Explains how a lost person can find the Way to Divinity again
by availing Godsend opportunities. It offers a brand new
insight into The Parable of the Prodigal Son, and elaborates
God’s designs to repeatedly give lost humans countless
chances to come back to their senses and have a change of
heart. …..17
6. On the narrow way
Describes with graphic details, what it takes to stick to the
Way, moving forward all the time till the last lap is
completed. Explains the Biblical allegories – ‘good fruits’ and
‘everlasting fruits’ and clearly identifies the different stages in
the journey to divinity as well as the available aids and
avoidable pitfalls. ….21
7. The proving of divinity
Describes the tests and proving of divinity which everyone
has to undergo and defines the ultimate test, ‘Baptism by Fire’
as a prerequisite for the final glory ….29
8. Aids to divinity-I: The Church
Describes the purpose and role of the Church as a Godestablished
institution and extraordinary aid to divinity. ….31
9. Aids to divinity-II: Prayer & Saintly succor
Describes the vitality and power of prayer as an aid to divinity
and deduces that saintly succor is a God-ordained
arrangement to reach out and include all shades of humans in
His divinization plan. Insists that true devotion will not
stagnate but blossom into discipleship, as God seeks disciples
and NOT devotees. ….39
10. Aids to divinity-III: Suffering
An in-depth treatise on the value of suffering as an
indispensible aid to divinity. Also establishes that suffering on
earth is a non-damaging aid that is bound to vanish without
trace after serving its purpose. ….45
11. Divine Virtues
Describes the three divine virtues – faith, hope and selfless
love and offers practical tips to gain and grow in these virtues,
while underscoring the primacy and supremacy of selfless
love. ….53
12. Keeping Satan at bay
Offers practical tips to deal with temptations and troubles
including demonic assaults. ……61
13. The perfect way of our Triune God
Provides an elaborate explanation of the functioning of the
Blessed Trinity, basing it purely on Biblical sources. Explains
the resemblance of human faculties – mind, body, spirit to the
persons of the Blessed Trinity and suggests an approach to
perfection by emulating the model of the Blessed Trinity. …65
14. Conclusion
Aptly concludes with some final thoughts on ‘true worship’
and ‘the second coming of Lord Jesus’. ….77
Appendix: The Way of the Cross
A dialogue form meditation on the traditional Stations of the
Cross. …..83
~ 1 ~
Our destination is God and for all those who realize this
fundamental truth, life on earth becomes most meaningful. It is
influenced and directed by an inherent inclination for doing good
and an aversion for evil. These in turn are driven by a strong desire
to find a dwelling place in His eternal abode in the afterlife which
builds the faithful day by day, even providing strength to endure
every trouble for the sake of attaining this ultimate goal.
~ 5 ~
God woos all kinds of sinners to conversion and designs a unique
situation for each person to come to his / her senses and avail a free
and fair chance to choose between the narrow way to divinity and
the wide ways to destruction. Even if we fail to realize and respond,
God never gives up on us. We are allowed to test the consequence
of our choices and for our wrong moves, given the longest rope of
chances to learn and change course. Pharaoh was given eleven
chances to let the Israelites go free (read Exodus 7-11; here ‘eleven’
is used symbolically to convey the same meaning as in the English
idiom ‘eleventh hour’).
~ 13~
The perfect way:
The functioning of the Blessed Trinity is the model of perfection; let
us reinforce what we just discovered:
• God reveals Himself as three distinct persons performing
distinct functions.
• God the Father wills based on truth, rightly the first time every
time and controls everything for good.
• God the Holy Spirit is the custodian of God’s power, discerning
truth and conveying truth and power to the Father, the Son and
also to others according to the Father’s Will.
• God the Son obediently does (executes) the Father’s Will be it
creation, redemption or judgment, availing all necessary power
from the Holy Spirit. He is the Father’s Love personified and
His Heart, Body and Right hand.