Love Affairs

by Arunachalam Kumar


₹ 169.00
₹ 450.00
₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20-11-2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781482859799
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781482859805

About the Book

This collection of love stories, though fictional, draws its inspiration from real-life events and incidents. Falling in love is a complex affair, involving intergender relationships, sacrifices, and compromises. The turmoil, travails, tests, and trials lovers face and go through is described in this book in a compellingly readable way. The stories told here are either heartwarming or heartbreaking. Love is everything for those in love, whether in India, steeped in sociocultural taboos, or anywhere else in the world.

About the Author

One of the most widely read English authors on the internet, Dr. Arunachalam Kumar, a medical college teacher-administrator, has over two million accesses for his takes on various social and contemporary issues. His human interest stories have evoked awe, wonder, rage, and empathy for the characters he weaves his tales on. Dr. Kumar lives in a small city with his four Indian hounds for company.