A Hundred Autumn Leaves
The Ogura Hyakunin Isshu: Translated and Annotated
Book Details
About the Book
A Hundred Autumn Leaves is an annotated liberal English translation of the hundred poems of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu -- a thirteenth century Japanese anthology. It surveys and tracks Japanese history through the eyes of the hundred poets, and presents medieval history from a completely different niche. It interprets and analyzes the poems for the lay English reader and also contains short biographical notes on all the hundred poets. For all who wish to know how Japanese poetry developed, how mythology, history and poetry played a game of hide and seek in the minds of Heian Japanese poets, how the perfect Haiku or a perfect Tanka is created; if you want to get an access into the world of poets and emperors and empresses of Heian Japan, this is not a wrong choice.
About the Author
Sagnik Bhattacharya is a young Indian student with an ardent interest in History, Sociology and Literature. One of his many interests is in the field of East Asian studies and particularly Japanese literature and culture. A student of Japanese language in his hometown Kolkata, Sagnik endevoured to present one of the masterpieces of Japanese literary works - the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu to the English reader having no prior knowledge of Japanese language or poetic tradition. Other interests of Sagnik's academic life include philosophy, cultural sciences, and anthropology. Among others, one of his aims in life is to present the world of the past to a vast variety of readers as a strikingly modern and relevant tale. A Hundred Autumn Leaves is the first step towards this grand aim.