C'est La Vie

The Conundrum of the Human Mind

by Meenakshi Anantram


₹ 250.00
₹ 169.00
₹ 250.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15-01-2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781482867657
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781482867664

About the Book

The book raises issues of social and scientific backgrounds using the tools of simple language and ends with a lot of food for thought. The reader can empathize with the characters in the stories and the protagonist always has a social message. However the theme of each story has to be unraveled by the Reader. The book rakes up the eternal conundrum of the Human Mind in different intriguing ways. The presentation handles different themes ranging from Soft Romance to Scientific Cloning with smatterings of comedy and the paradox of feminism and the marriage of mind and matter seem to be the most important feature. Set mostly in Indian backgrounds, the stories seem to laugh at the irony of situations and readers will see themselves at different phases of their lives, hopefully. To laugh at a difficult situation and try to find “the other side” is the bottom line of the book and the title “C’est La Vie”.....simply justifies this. The author has a penchant for the unpredictable which adds freshness to the presentation.  So…..read on….and just “let it be”!! *The proceeds from this book will go to the campaign against cancer through the Rohit Memorial Trust. Visit www.rohitmemorialtrust.com

About the Author

She is a scientist and social activist and wears many caps. She has won several accolades right from an early age for her written word. Her articles have featured in prestigious publications, and she has won awards in international fora for her poetry and prose. She is an extempore speaker with crisp rendition of her thoughts. She has a funny bone that comes across in a subtle manner in her stories and works on varied topics. Her blog is popular too.