The Eternal Guru Speaks

Mystical Reflections on Spiritual Quotes

by Dr Shardha Batra


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₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10-12-2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781482867718
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781482867725

About the Book

The interface between the individual and what constitutes his world is formed by a nexus of cosmic forces of graded subtlety. Understanding these forces and energies opens up a whole field of tangibly realizable possibilities. The book attempts to ignite a spark that illuminates the fact that the spiritual goal cannot be attained by suppression or a denial of your desires and passions. That we need to rise above violent labelling of power, desire, and money as evil and identify the real evil within as a lack of awareness of the energy field and its role as a bridge between matter and spirit. The book borrows on the quotations of ancient and modern physicists, metaphysicists, sages, philosophers, and poets and blends their words with some personal reflections based on experience. The intent at all times being to share perspectives that embrace the spiritual potential in material and the material possibilities of the spiritual journey. The book celebrates the oneness of spirit and matter through these quotes, which have been compartmentalized into chapters that inform, educate, or gently hint at this oneness and harmony, which holds the disparate cosmic components together as a seamless whole.

About the Author

Dr Shardha Batra is a medical specialist and diagnostician ,who has been deeply studying energy patterns behind tangible phenomena and their influence on the quality of human life. During the rigors of her medical career she realized that there is an increasing tendency for a medical doctor to view a person as a system ,an organ or a diagnosis. Drawing inspiration from her own life as well as the lives of the innumerable individuals whose journey she facilitated to greater self awareness and empowerment, Dr Shardha Batra has attempted to pen down the words of many a master and philosopher, which elucidate the connect between body and mind, as well as between mind and the cosmos. Her endeavour has always been to gently induce and encourage an empowerment which arises when you accept yourself, your desires and limitations and yet resolve and recreate patterns based on openness and an experiential understanding of your immense potential as a being of consciousness. This book is replete with her mystical reflections of the multidimensional facets of the words of healing wisdom of the inner guru reflected in the masters she has quoted. Dr Shardha Batra has founded the “Mind Body Soul Centre” a space dedicated to the quest for self awareness and holistic well being.