Wars of Octavlon

Time Saviour

by Soham Ghodke


₹ 169.00
₹ 350.00
₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22-04-2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781482869224
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781482869231

About the Book

The city of Octavlon is filled with poverty, misery, and no hope for a normal life. But after the three head counselors—a handsome man in his thirties, a beautiful lady in her thirties, and a groovy robot in his teenage days—are given a quest to defeat the impossible, those guys have to fight a lot of monsters, overcome some traps, and solve some mazes. But wait! They all have some groovy weapons which lead to some chunky action to defeat the first general Mclion and save the hometown of robots and the magic ball of Magnus.

About the Author

Soham is a very young and budding author. He devotes lots of time reading and analyzing a variety of reading material. He is famous as an author among his friends and relatives.