A Place Called Eden



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₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29-02-2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781543706536
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781543706543

About the Book

A Place called Eden is what we all aspire for. Eden is humankind’s collective belief in everything that is bright, beautiful, pure, and innocent; everything that would remain untarnished, no matter what. The raging WW2 embroiled and entangled millions of common people, who sadly neither had much say in the situation, nor possessed the erudition to comprehend what the madness was all about. This book is the story of such next-door protagonists like Kuhlbert, Raymond, Gerta, and Alessandra, who suddenly find themselves motivated to become a part in the deadliest war of human history. They are flawed, nuanced and unsure about the outcome of the war, just as we are, about what is to come tomorrow. A story of love, hatred, delusion, fortitude, selflessness, magnanimity and a lot more, but first and foremost a message of universal hope in our quest for our own Eden…

About the Author

Debasree Banerjee is a winning and published author from Write India Season 1, and has several international publications to her credit. A ‘cinephile’ in true sense, she also takes pride in writing movie scripts. She considers ‘thrillers’ as her forte, and she loves to bust the myth about this genre, calling it the most versatile one. She has taken upon her a mission to write visually powerful and cinematic stories that can inspire people to take up further reading. Yes, she has herself been a ‘readaholic’ all her life, and writes with the intent of inspiring people to read, because she somehow fanatically believes in the power of healing and scope for human development in reading.