From Adam's Mortality to Jesus' Immortality

by Despoina Tsaousi


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21-12-2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781482868326
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781482868302
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781482868319

About the Book

The book emanates from an extensive study of the Holy Bible which lasted for 4 years. Contemplating upon the Old and the New Testament, the flawless message of Jesus Christ upon Resurrection and Immortality is analyzed in the pages of this book, which draws its bread, breath and blood entirely from the Christian tradition. Each phase from Jesus' life -beginning from all His ancestors who have prepared the path for His arrival through their prophecies, His immaculate birth, His first years of life, His baptism, His teachings, His crucifixion and ultimately reaching His resurrection, helps us to understand the grandeur and the depth of His Ultimate vocation for Immortalization and Eternal Life. The main purpose of this book is to inspire and empower all those practitioners who crave to experience the manifestation of the Holy Spirit even at the lowest levels of gross physicality. Jesus has manifested throughout His life, simultaneously, the Perfect God and the Perfect Human. With His resurrection He triumphs over death, He annihilates “the body of death” as ontological reality, He liberates humankind from mortality. This book is addressed to all those mortal children of Adam who are thirsty to tread the path of Immortality continuing the lineage of Lord Jesus.

About the Author

Despoina Tsaousi comes from Greece and is a Graduate of Athens' University - Department of Philology & of Patras' University- Department of Pedagogics. She carries a deep interest in studying Holy Scriptures and gives regular lectures in study groups, upon philosophy. She has published two books related to spirituality in Greek.