“Thus the concept of something unknown or superior power germinated in the mind not in the form of benevolent Supreme Being but in the form of an evil-doer.”
“We are not going to deal with…..God or theology; we try to arrive at a greater truth - whether what are passed on in the name of historical truth and make-believe truth are acceptable with…… reasonableness and how they fog our vision and adversely affect our life and the pursuit of truth itself. Concept of God or its illusive ramifications distorts our realization of history and estimate of mankind in general.”
“Nowhere do we find any trace or proof of the existence of God unquestionably. The believers in God exhibit a peculiar common feature- whenever they are asked ‘What is the proof or evidence that god is there?’ they fly into rage and hurl invectives about the silliness of such a question. To raise any doubt about God or its associate religion constitute a crime and punishable as sacrilege. The infidelity is frowned upon and such infidels are persecuted in many ways. This is abundantly clear that not an iota of evidence of the existence of God has been furnished by any religionists or great men of the world. Some blindly express faith in God while others make some bizarre comments which create further confabulations."
“God is an abstract concept of perfect manhood ……., in any way an idealism, when all the vices vanish or reach zero value is as impossible to attain as it is, in science, to create perfect gas or ideal gas where the molecules can move freely in any direction without collision or impossible it is to reach absolute zero temperature when the volume of matter is zero (which is absurd).”
“So it became imperative to devise a way out in order to provide solace to the wounded mind. …. with the realization of whole indivisible entity, call it Brahma, (Allah or God?) man can transcend the barriers of death. A disparate human individual shall perish without exception. But the entire human race, with its annals without beginning or end is immortal. …….’- this conviction is immortality…. . The enterprise which is valueless for an individual is of supreme value in the long term existence of humanity. From this sense of larger or greater ‘self’ evolved the idea of Atma or soul.”
“Yet with due regard to science we cannot forget that only a portion of this multi-dimensional world is covered by science, the rest is beyond our perception and shrouded in mystery.”
“.Buddha’s idea of dissolution of self leading to nirvana seems to be naïve and palpable. We have seen in our life past and present the evil effects of ego unbound and uncontrolled. Buddha’s sermon ..in a positive sense guides us in this dark maze of life as a beacon of light like….. From far above us he stands alone to say ‘Men, please hold your desires and lusts under control. They are like fires which unless extinguished shall gobble the good things in life.’ He of course was wise enough to understand that this fire cannot be doused totally ……… felt the …. need that to salvage mankind from the pangs of disease.. and death, from ……gloom and despondency this idea also must be percolated ….. that our desires have to be capped if not maimed altogether. Nirvana is only a philosophical theorization of this concept. We need not read more into it.”
“What Marx envisaged by the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ is to snatch the state machinery or the manipulative power of the capitalist and vest it with the labour and other exploited classes of which was born a vicious system of producing another new demonic class of proletariat-dictator-cum -power–monger that will devour its own parents. “
“Scientific truth or theory is validated through experiments that are not always direct yet the idea basically flows from our experience gained by our organs and those ideas are transmitted and deposited in our brain. Power of organs is limited”
“The role of Jinnah has to be re-written in the context of perpetrating heinous crime on the largest number of populace i. e. Hindu Bengalis. The scale and extent of mass murder and untold miseries inflicted on these hapless creatures with Jinnah at the helm will ashame the dreaded and the most hateful historical personalities. Hitler and Musolini at least did not drive three hundred lakhs of people simply because they were born not as Christians.”
“What do we find in Gita which Gandhi held to his bosom? One very intelligent person (Krishna, who is neither a God…… nor a historical character; no trace of his existence is available. Entire epic is a creation of a poet based on his experience) is advising a less intelligent person (Arjun) not to be emotional rendering him palpable to annihilate all his rivals who were his near relatives. Crude machinations, fatal weapons, treachery, bribery, cajoling, hypocrisy-all ingredients of violence were applied indiscriminately. And this was rationalized in the name of ‘Dharmayuddha’ (War for religion). Indian epics suffer from this hypocrisy”
“If at all anybody can be called the father of Indian nation he is Raja Rammohan Roy. But where no other country in the world requires a father why should we? It represents a paternalistic society nurtured by our epics.”
If they had no Shastra ( Religious Scripts) of rewards they would at once throw aside all Shastra and would follow their severe inclinations. In order to restrain such persons from being led only by their inclinations, the Shastra prescribed various ceremonies but at the same moment expresses contempt for such gratifications. ….. According to Upanishad, Knowledge and rites together offer themselves to every man. The wise becomes convinced of the superiority of the former, despises rites, takes refuge in knowledge, and the unlearned, for the sake of bodily gratifications has recourse to the performance of rites.” ………Buddha also preached also preached to get rid of desires.