The call of the Turtledove for Universal Peace

Meditations on Love Divine

by Johanna D.S. Chittranjan


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₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04-11-2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781482822557
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781482822564

About the Book

God is the only source of true Divine Love. This Love is unique: It reaches out to people of all walks of life, beyond all man-made Religious borders, beyond National borders, beyond Language borders and beyond all Social borders. One day LOVE will rule Supreme in all the hearts of the people all over the world; then there will be Peace everywhere. Have Faith in Love! There is an awakening: Souls here and there all over the Globe realize that the only thing that can safe Humanity today is Love Divine. Be touched by the Inspirations contained in this book. Envision a world filled with Love! While reading you will feel the Holy Embrace of Love Divine and you will be relieved from anxiety and fear while you find Hope and Courage in the Arms of LOVE!

About the Author

Born a Swiss National, Mrs. Johanna D.S. Chittranjan has married Mr. Sanjeevi Chittranjan from South India. Having been taught at Gurudev Shree Lahari Krishna’s feet about God’s Love that is beyond all borders, she shares herein the Divine Peace she received after being touched by God.