Counselling Without Offense

Christian Counselling in a Secular World

by Samson Gandhi


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17-04-2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781482847796
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781482847789
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781482847772

About the Book

Counselling Without Offense reflects the compassion and concern of our Lord Jesus towards all suffering humanity, irrespective of their faith. Principles of psychology, guidelines to counsellors, the personal experiences of Dr. Samson Gandhi, and the Truth are beautifully and sensitively interwoven to make this book equally inspiring to all counsellors no matter where they are on their journey as counsellors. An extremely readable book which will grace any counsellor’s library . . . I could not put it down, once I had started reading it. Dr. Veena Easvaradoss, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, India Samson Gandhi writes as though he is at your side sharing insights with you. He peppers the book with real life situations and examples to bolster the points he makes. A must-read for all Christian counsellors. This pragmatic and sharp book thrilled my heart! Go ahead, read, pray and with God’s help counsel without offense! Dr. Anthony David, MD, Professor and Head, Physiology, Anna Medical College & Research Center, Mauritius Counselling Without Offense is an excellent book written by Samson Gandhi to show that a Christian and a non-Christian face similar problems and the solution lies in knowing the truth as “the Truth” holds the key to set them free. By saying “our goal is counselling and not converting” he removes the unnecessary pressure from the counsellor. This book is a must for all counsellors. Stanley Mehta, Senior Pastor, Bombay Baptist Church, Mumbai

About the Author

Dr. Samson Gandhi (M.B.A., Doctor of Ministry, Bakke Graduate University, Seattle, U.S.A.) provides leadership in Christian counselling in South and West Asia. He heads ‘Person to Person - Institute for Christian Counselling’ ( He served as the General Secretary of the Association of Christian Counsellors, South Asia. He is a sought-after international speaker on leadership and Christian counselling. Email: