Cosmic Energy and the Nature's Way in Health and Medicine

by Ko Paandu


₹ 169.00
₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29-09-2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781482857719

About the Book

This book on Cosmic Energy, Health and Medicine explains about the natural energy around us in everyday life and how we can maximize its use for our health. How our health is connected with the body and mind and explains how disease is due to the disagreement between them. The book explains about allergies and compares it with an enemy. One cannot solve a problem avoiding the enemy. Same way allergy is the one you need to resolve and not avoid. The medicines used over centuries by our forefathers are proven and can be relied upon just as the reliable age old foods we consume to this day. Medicines under modern allopathic system never last even for a decade. Chemicals, herbs and minerals are not medicines. A medicine should act as an energized bullet or a piercing arrow instead of staying behind in our body and creating a host of side effects and other complications. A medicine is supposed to cure the disease of the person and not create a disease basket piling on more diseases. Only the energized medicines which are slow but steady can clear our disease in nature’s speed and not the fast acting palliative medicines.

About the Author

His experience first-hand on the benefits of energized medicine, as opposed to the allopathic medicine has inspired him to examine his natural surroundings for an answer. His observations reveal how cosmic energy promotes our healthy life on earth and how energised medicines from nature would provide lasting remedy.