Bed Time Stories
Book Details
About the Book
Countless stories are available for children, yet one still feels there is a dearth when compared to the demands of stories by children. The aim in writing the short stories was to provide some more stories with morals and also with terminology and vocabulary. Children learn faster from stories the language content or the moral lessons. The intention is to make children better human beings after imbibing good qualities and discarding the bad. Children should be free from prejudices, dogmas, and superstitions. Their world should be an innocent and harmonious one. In childhood, every boy would like to be a prince, and every girl a princess; hence, two stories on prince and princess are here. Children are fond of pets. Moreover, children should develop love for flora and fauna. At the same time, they can learn a lot from animals. Hence, stories with pet and other animals as characters, with certain characteristic traits of children like making fuss over food, and hesitating to go to school are also taken care of. Characters have not been named deliberately to hide their religious identity. This also helps in not associating some traits or attitudes with communities. The last story, “Timely Help,” is to serve as an example of national integration. It is hoped that children between the age group of four and ten would enjoy the stories written originally for my nephew and nieces.
About the Author
The author Dr. Ghizala Yasmeen is a native of Hyderabad. She belongs to a highly educated family. She acquired doctorate in English literature. Her research dealt with the depiction of the status of Indian women in the novels written by select Indian women novelists writing in English. She has served as lecturer in English for twenty-seven years and thereafter as principal, Degree College.