by Anita Bacha


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21-08-2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781482852318
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781482852325
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781482852332

About the Book

SOUL POETRY is a collection of the most fantastic and mind blowing inspirational poems, verses and quotes. Laced with a tinge of humour, SOUL POETRY is a gold mine not only for the seeker of spiritual love, magic, solace and enlightenment but also for the general reader in search of beauty, fantasy, entertainment, reflexion and relaxation. This book is an exploration and a discovery of the Self. The spiritual approach of the author to the elements of nature, the absorbing aspects of life, love, happiness, joy, pain, suffering, relationships, reunions, break-ups and death gives a special mythical cliché to the distinctive poems, verses and quotes. Written for the passionate reader in mind, the author travels with him along a journey of enchanting dreams, beauty and wonder, bringing at times tears to his eyes and at others a smile on his face. SOUL POETRY brings the writer and the reader together as One Soul in an élan of luscious sharing. *** Reading through it one cannot escape the devotional thread which runs through it, throughout...I look forward to reading more of her works. Sir Hamid Moollan, QC GOSK *** A Soul’s divine union with the Beloved, a complete and delightful assuaging of the heart’s calling; the perfect emotional fulfilment of all lyrical urges, engaging mind, body and soul. You cannot possibly feel alone upon opening this profoundly heart moving book. Bert Brunet, multi award-winning author ***

About the Author

ANITA BACHA is Mauritian by birth and a naturalized British. Barrister and Intercountry Adoption Expert by profession, she is a gifted inspirational writer and poet by nature. She has authored and published two books on spirituality and self-realization - The Maker of Miracles (2006) and My Journey with God (2008)