Book Details
About the Book
This fifth collection of poems, titled "Reflections," comprising one hundred poems of Dr. Ashok T. Chakravarthy, primarily concentrate on key universal issues of concern. The poems promote welfare-oriented universal concepts viz., universal peace and brotherhood, protection of environment, concern for nature, care for children rights, the priceless feelings for a mother and so on.
The poet's quest for world peace is focused in quite a number of poems, and the feelings that peace remains an essential imperative to be inculcated in world citizens. Despite disappointments and conflicts still existing elsewhere, the poet takes it as his moral duty to promote his chosen concepts on environment protection, children welfare, nature and so on.
The task to promote and protect universal culture does not lag behind. His thirst to contribute the best of poetry to safeguard universal values, ideologies, and religions is visible in his poems and stokes serene feelings in every reader. These recurring aspirations in the poet's thoughts and in particular the incessant longing to express them through poetry compositions is worth a rare phenomenon which ought to be recognized as a rare poetic talent.
Most of the verses of Dr. Ashok T. Chakravarthy are literary kits that give good rhythm when tuned to music for enlivening the lyrical philosophy. The poet's pursuit to strengthen the ideals of peace in every world citizen, every nation and in every peace-yearning youth have carved a niche in the hearts of several citizens across the world. This particular volume invites a strong literary debate that will upsurge the advocacy for the changes it strives to uphold across global boundaries.
About the Author
A renowned Poet & Review writer from India, Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy has been composing poetry for over two decades. Till date he had penned over 2000 poems, of which nearly 1200 of poems have been published in various magazines, journals, anthologies, newspapers, e-zines etc., in over 90 countries. Dr. Ashok received several acclaims for imparting universal peace and environment protection through his poetry. He was commended with numerous international awards and titles, viz., Universal Peace Ambassador, International Intellectual Peace Award; Asian Who’s Who, Effulgent Star etc. Apart, he was conferred with Doctor of Literature, Honoris Causa, Hon’ Adviser of Borneo International Open University, Vice-Chairman, Global Harmony Association, Research Committee Member, Centre of Non-killing and so on. Presently Dr. Ashok T Chakravarthy ( is working as Asst. General Manager, in “Telangana State Co-op Apex Bank Ltd.” Hyderabad city, Telangana State, INDIA.