The Iridescence of Jnaneshwar’s Works

Concept of Bhakti in Jnaneshwar’s Philosophy- A Critical Study

by Anshu K Goil


₹ 289.00
₹ 289.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05-10-2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781482855722

About the Book

Dr. Anshu KG Goil has made an attempt to introduce the life and works of Jñāneshwara. Her approach to the subject is unique because it reveals the Sage and practicing philosopher aspect of the Yogi. According to the Upanishads, knowledge is the knowledge of the essence of all the existence as well as the way to reach it. It is Vidya, the opposite of Avidya, which is phenomenal world, the knowledge of many through senses and mind. It is the intellectual knowledge having the distinction of the subject and object. It is the knowledge of the objects in the context of space, time and causality. It is the field of actions. It is the cause of re-birth. By knowledge, one gets liberation and the bondage of transmigration is broken. It is knowledge through immediate experience. This is well designated in the present volume and as the words are restricted to easy understanding, the work is handy. A mystic can be called a philosopher only if he presents certain philosophical conclusions arrived at with a philosophical attitude and philosophical methods. This is found in very few mystics. Jñāneshwara is one of them. Jñāneshwara is an intellectual mystic. In his works- Amṛtānubhava, Cāngdeva- Pāsasṭi and Jñāneshwari Jñāneshwara was one of the most brilliant poets, sublime mystics, and fascinating figures in all of Medieval Indian History. At an age when most men have scarcely begun their life’s work, Jñāneshwara had ended his; but not before having built an everlasting monument to his memory in the written masterpieces he left behind. Jñāneshwara’s work reveals the depth of his Self-realization, the profundity of his thought, the rich profusion of his imagery, and the unmistakable style of his homespun wisdom, distinguishing his works as those of a unique spiritual genius. Thus whatever one wants to know about Jñāneshwara and his works is reflected in this volume in a flowery language and hence it is left to experience by readers to get the nectar taste out of it.

About the Author

Dr. Anshu KG Goil Has done her PhD in Philosophy from University of umbai. Her Topic was Concept of Bhakti in naneshwara’s Philosophy. She has got her Jyotirvid and Jyotirvisharad by papers from Jyotisha Bharti, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Mumbai. Her topic was Medical Astrology-Astrological combinations for Medical and Healing Profession. She also penned a book on Teletherapy. She has completed a certificate course in Yogic culture and obtained a Diploma in Yogic Education from Kaivalyadham Mumbai, India. She has been a yoga teacher and practitioner for over 15 years, teaching a variety of students. She has obtained a Diploma in Feng Shui from Imperial School of Feng Shui, Mumbai and has a certificate to Practice it. She is a Grand Master in the Art of Reiki Healing and Energy-Balancing. Currently she is a Professor at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Jyotish Bharati Mumbai.