The back ground of this book is to find rational answers to any question in one's mind about anything. These questions pertain to our very existence, conduct, day-to-day problems, our curiosity and anxiety with relation to our position in the universe, the how and why of all that is taking place in this universe and rationality of there being a creator and regulator and the conduct of human beings vis-a- vis other living creatures, virtues of being a human being and ultimate aim of life etc.
The book amply demonstrates that there is no alternative to rational thinking. The answer to all conceivable questions lies in the analytical approach embedded in rational thinking. We have to find answers on the basis of overall view of this universe, creation of galaxies, stars, planets, origin of living creatures and analyzing physical and psychological and social aspect of human beings. The rationality of loaded terms: Spirituality, Religion, God, Soul etc used by the human beings which have a direct bearing on our conduct as human beings needs to be probed. Keeping in view the overall analysis we would perceive appropriateness of a happy, blissful and fulfilling life with peaceful co-existence and how can we achieve inner pleasure satisfaction, tranquility, in short, peace of mind. This approach is being attempted in the present book, which tries to open doors to ones rational thinking.
In pursuing our objective we have tried to connect dots in understanding the philosophy of life with rational approach. It is a result of self enlightening rational analysis and experiences which are being capable of analysis and experience by any individual human being. This book intend to address basic queries on life and tries to find rational answers regarding ultimate aims of life and suggest means to achieve the ultimate aim.
The book starts with need and methodology for studying different aspects of life in conjunction with the concepts of philosophy, rationality and science which are building blocks for building any argument for explaining any object, process, happening, action and event etc.
The next part of the book devolve around and explains the universal, basic, fundamental laws for understanding and analyzing any object, action, event, process, happening on account of cognitive ability of human mind.
The next part postulates physical aspect of universe of which human beings are a mere fraction. In order to have a holistic view regarding conduct of human beings, the author has given a bird eye view of the composition, functioning and evolution of this universe including galaxies, planetary system, earth and sustainability of life on this earth which are the fundamental questions to the existence of human race. The forces, processes, phenomenon, celestial events and happening etc has been and can be studied, analyzed and understood by applying the basic laws as enumerated in the previous chapters.
The next part of the book deals with physical aspect of human beings and the development and evolution of human beings up to the present state. In order to have a holistic view regarding conduct of human beings during the entire life span the author has devolved around to have a bird eye view of the evolution, composition, requirements and functioning of the whole human body systems which are the subject matters on which the entire life depends. The entire gambit of this aspect has been and can be rationally studied by applying the basic laws as explained in the preceding chapters
Next part of the book deals with finding out the rationality of development, evolution and working of psychological aspect of human beings which played a predominant role in the development of human race up to the present level. This part of the book explains mental processes and its effect on human conduct. This psychological aspect of human beings coupled with human limitations to understand any natural process and events have been the source of creation of the certain terms for blocking any further intriguing quest in the matter. The entire psychological aspect of human beings can be rationally studied by applying the basic laws as explained in the preceding chapters.
This part of the book deals with finding out the rationality of development, evolution and working of social aspect of human beings which plays a vital role in the development of human society up to the present level. This part of the book elaborates on social aspect of human beings for bringing order and filling colors in the life in the form of social concepts include Ritual, tradition, culture, heritage, ceremony, laws, code of conduct, rights and duties, social norms, languages, wealth, fields of study etc. broadly refers to the human life management regulatory systems in the form of defining good, bad, do’s and don’ts rituals, laws, ethics, code of conducts, ceremonies, values, agreements, groups, religions, beliefs etc for peaceful co-existence and for a peaceful transition from birth to death.
Human beings perceive the external world through different Sensory organs like sight, touch, feel, hear etc. These feel perceptions are gelled with internal feelings, emotions and social aspects of human beings. Human mind is capable of comprehending real time images, situations and to fantasies imaginary entities also. It generates thoughts which make temporary and permanent beliefs/perceptions in human mind. Human perceptions have made roots deep inside the human subconscious mind on the basis of modeling the world, as per individual rationality quotient, capabilities, social setup and education. All his actions behaviors are based on the perceptions. Perceptions in respect of understanding in all and different fields of life strengthen their beliefs systems, worldly knowledge and their conduct. To curb this tendency of going hay wire, the ancient human beings created nomenclatures for nonexistent imaginary entities of supernatural, soul, heaven, hell and destiny etc for assigning cause to any process, phenomena, event, happening etc which would not be comprehended by the brain.
The book further suggests and explains the ultimate aims of life and suggest appropriate ways to lead a healthy blissful life for accomplishing the ultimate goals of life by suggesting appropriate physical health, appropriate mental health, appropriate social health for peaceful co-existence, appropriate environmental health and appropriate physical possessions for improving life quality quotient to lead a healthy, blissful, ecstatic, stress free, fulfilling life leading to tranquility, elation, happiness, satisfaction with peaceful coexistence during the entire lifespan from birth to death.
The author has not dealt in detail about various concepts, theories, terms, laws etc. pertaining to this universe and human beings in this book. There is a sincere effort to systematically correlate various aspects in order to arrive at a meaningful discourse of physical and psychological aspects of our life. This book is not intended to hurt religious sentiments of any section of the society. It is an effort to find out the rationality behind various aspects of life.