The Carmine Memories

An Insane Woman’s Poetry

by Kavya Sharma


₹ 159.00
₹ 199.00
₹ 159.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20-08-2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781482856231
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781482856248

About the Book

The Carmine Memories is a collection of the author’s thirty poems exhibiting the psychological and social changes women go through in different stages of their life. The dilemmas that a woman confronts and the kind of choices that she makes, keeping in mind the conventions and norms, and somewhere her residing interest often alluding her precedent approach. “For the women and by a woman,” she calls it an insane woman’s poetry for the brave acknowledgment of ambiguities. For she who knows it all is bound to go insane. This short poetry book is an attempt to recognize and empower the chaos within.

About the Author

Kavya Sharma is a 20-year old third year literature graduate student, pursuing her graduation from IP College for women Delhi University. It is her love for literature that led her to the path of expression through poetry. She feels poetry is the simplest yet magical way of bringing about a change in this world. She runs a blog named: Verse of Silence and you can also follow her on Instagram: verseofsilence_