Amusing ways for a Budding Alchemist

by V. Alwin George


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08-07-2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781482883442
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781482883435

About the Book

A Fun Ride You Always Wished For Have you ever wondered why you fear something? Chances are there. It is a matter worth thinking. Fear is the offspring of unawareness or ignorance. Once you learn driving well you will not fear the road. It is said fear diminishes with the accumulation of knowledge. A book like this should work on this basic principle and it does, I believe. Chemistry is not a nightmare. Nor is it a monster that kills your confidence. It is just like any of your favourite subject, hobby or game. It is just FUN. To experience it you need to cross the bridge between fear and fun. You will get clues and keys to open every single door in any subject as if in a treasure hunt, if you search for them. Before you flip through this cute little book you should know something. This is not a study guide which follows your textbook formulae. Instead, this is a fun-filled rollercoaster ride. Ride as you wish. This book’s sole aim is to make your chemistry study easy. Also it brings you back to your environment to show you that the real chemistry is there, not in the printed text of a book that you learn by heart. This tiny friend of yours will walk you through the unlimited instances and examples of chemistry in your day-to-day life. From the food we eat to the medicines we take chemistry’s magic is visible. No more introductions. Let’s start a fun packed tour across the wonder world of chemistry. Let’s fasten our seat belts. Here we go. Hurray...

About the Author

V Alwin George is a journalist who has specialised in Science and Children’s literature. Besides, he is a trained and experienced teacher whose main focus is on science subjects, especially chemistry. The basic idea of this book came from the teaching experience he possesses. Children who find Chemistry difficult to deal with have some hurdles before them. Major one among them is ignorance of the basics. There is the lack of systematic study too. Students often feel it as an alien subject which has nothing to do with their life. To deal with these obstacles, we need to connect Chemistry with day-to-day life. That single, simple thought was the seed of this book.