The Journey of Survivors

70,000-Year History of Indian Sub-Continent

by Subhrashis Adhikari


₹ 169.00
₹ 650.00
₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20-04-2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 476
ISBN : 9781482873344
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 476
ISBN : 9781482873351

About the Book

‘Journey of Survivors’ is one book that sums up the entire 70,000-year journey of India and her people. The book contains not just history, but also some interesting legends like how the Asuras were once our god, the legendary kingdom of women in the Himalayas, Alexander’s search for ‘somras’, the bloody coins of Jesus that made its way into India and how Genghis Khan helped cool the earth. It discusses interesting facts like Chanakya’s cunning policies, science in ancient India, the myth of Indians never attacking foreign lands, the Indian Greeks, how Buddhism died in India, how few Indian officials sailed across the Bay of Bengal in search of a king, the woman who defeated Ghori, the mysterious distribution of rotis before the revolt of 1857, the letters of Indian soldiers during the world war and how the 1975-77 Emergency changed Sholay's ending. The book poses intriguing questions like what is the identity of India, did temple destruction only happen in medieval India, was Gandhi a hero and will India survive. At the end, the author tries to discuss the various issues that in his opinion India, as a nation, needs to address.

About the Author

Subhrashis Adhikari is a history enthusiast. He travels all around India, unraveling her glorious past, with his wife and little daughter as a companion. After completing his MTech from IIT Bombay, he now works as a geologist in a multinational oil and gas exploration and production company.