When Alan opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the face of the red Harandel set against a grey background.
He got up and took in his surroundings. He was in a forest filled with black, dried up trees. The red Harandel was a few feet away from him. Andrew was awake and standing with the purple Harandel. The second he noticed Alan wake up, he rushed over. “They wouldn’t tell me anything until you were awake.”
The purple Harandel approached. He said, “Finally you are awake. I know you have a lot of questions, but be patient. We shall answer.”
Alan didn't hesitate. He asked, “Are our friends alright?”
The red Harandel replied to this question, “They are safe. See for yourself.”
The air shimmered before them like a heat haze. Then it seemed to change colour and an image appeared. They saw Alex, Delton and Martha standing in an open field of grass. Then the image started moving. It was like watching a movie on a high tech television screen from the future. They were walking towards what seemed to be a white wall with tendrils of ivy running down the side.
One of the Harandels noticed Alan's troubled expression. “They will be fine.”, it assured him. The other added, “They have a major part to play in the near future.” Though what it was would remain a mystery for quite some time.
The screen seemed to flicker and vanished. “Well, before anything else, I need to know why you needed us.” The Red Harandel replied, “I promise to answer this question, but before I do there are some things we must tell you. You are the first humans to ever learn of this.”
Andrew gulped. He hoped it wouldn't be something like, we needed you for a sacrifice. The purple Harandel began, “You humans theorized that your universe began from the big bang, right? Well you were partly correct. Though why the big bang occurred has a deeper explanation. To understand this, we have to trace back to the true beginning of time.
The first thing that ever came into existence was the master. Until that point, there was nothing. Not even darkness. There was no space and no time. None of the dimensions existed, nor did matter or energy.”
Alan could understand this to some extent, but he hoped Delton had been there. The astrophysicist would have been able to understand this better.
The red Harandel took over, “The master is a being of such incomprehensible power that he could simply create or destroy matter and energy. He could create physical things by merely thinking of them. Though this seems to shatter your laws of physics, it is possible.
Though, at that point the master was young and he hadn't quite learned to use the power he had. Anything he thought of simply popped into existence. You may even find this in some of your ancient myths. They believed so because it was true. Though these events were separated by literally countless years, the stories had been passed down through the ages.
The master had created several realms. Realms consisted of many dimensions and each dimension had numerous bodies which you call multiverses. These multiverses contained universes.”
This was quite a lot to take in. Andrew decided to ask, “So the master created you too?”
It was the purple Harandel's turn now. He said, “No he did not. We were born the very instant the master was. We are part of him. His hands in a sense.
Eventually as the master grew mature enough to control his mind, creation slowed down and the realms became more stable. The master eventually realized that he had created more than even he could focus at one time. Thus he gave us the responsibility of bringing order to his creation. We had all the knowledge in the world, we knew of everything that existed. If you're wondering, knowing everything includes, knowing your language. It I essential for us to be able to communicate with every race.
We too were having trouble. To find a solution we started looking for forces that existed in every universe of every multiverse of every dimension of every realm. Soon we had found four such forces.
In fact, they are so universal that even you humans have discovered all of them. They are what you call electro magnetism, gravity, dark energy and dark matter.
To control each force, we created four beings. Elemprovous, Genardiso, Crendorkus and Shanarkus.”
The last name in that list sent a shiver down Alan's spine.
Once again the red Harandel took over. He said, “These are the strongest and most ancient beings to ever be in existence, excluding the master and the two of us.
These creatures had complete control over the forces assigned to them and could also control the other three to a certain degree. Their only purpose was to maintain balance in every realm. .