Hello World!
The Theory of Light is a book of the one, by the one and for the one. This book is a collection of subjective experiences based on an objective phenomenon, that which we know as Light. The ageless wisdom of Light is revealed in the New Age so everyone can experience the pure bliss of oneness. Light is the destination and the origin of consciousness. It’s only a matter of tuning into the vibration that allows you to be one with the all. This book is a guided meditation to the eternal safe spot that is set in stone; the philosopher’s stone is right where it belongs but we must find it within. The philosopher’s stone is as much a part of us as we are a part of it. It is the intangible thread that binds us together. The intension of this book is to realize a universal truth; that we are all connected to the whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
New Age is a wave of thought that redefines the meaning of being the one. It is an idea that this era will not be defined by the one in a million. It is the belief that this eon will be defined by the one in one. This book that is set in the New Age will awaken insights. Do not repel them. Do not resist them. The entire universe is in you. If you listen to the universe, the universe will listen to you. An act of intent listening will cause a reaction of the same vibration. That’s just karma. New Age is also an indication that the best of pioneers and explorers are here to rebuild the world. You have chosen to be here at this time on Earth. Your self-expression of oneness is what matters the most because it leads to self-realization. Just as the thought of light is faster than light itself, this idea is not based on the belief system but the belief itself. This book is deliberately outlined for your imagination to fill in a few dots. Trust yourself, always. No fear. No doubt. Just trust. As a great personality once revealed, logic will get you from A to B but imagination will take you everywhere. Just be in the moment and let the flow carry you deep into your own imagination. Most of us are doing something and because we’re so driven towards the doing, we end up forgetting why we were doing it in the first place. This book can help raise one’s awareness. The truth is, the world is full of genius, without its abundance, we wouldn’t have gotten so far but we choose to stay distracted. The idea is to shift our awareness from being an unconscious genius to being a conscious one.