Real Live God & Human Delusion
Book Details
About the Book
SALIENT FEATURES See the real live God that is your creator and breath-keeper!!! The one who is mortally doomed, cannot be the immortal God!! If the real God dies, the entire creation-structure should die!!! The man-made God, Soul, Super Soul do not exist!!! 'Scientists' are the only true monks and saints useful for the humankind! The root of all sciences lies in the core of the Earth!! The sun too will die some day!!! 656 hours is one day of the Moon!!! The Earth rotates around the Sun with the speed of 107000 KM per hour!!! In reality the event called eclipse doesn't happen in the space!!! It is an illusion! The 'absence' is the truth and the 'presence' is an illusion!!! Birth is an illusion and death is the truth!!! The discovery of the 12 factors revealing the entire creation-structure means real God!!! What is the original intent of the creation-structure behind giving you birth? Rebirth doesn't exist!!! The creation-structure doesn't have things like ghosts, any miracle, fate or future!!! Each thing that is visible to your eye is illusionary!!! You don't possess a real self-identity!!! What is there before birth? What is there after death? The way out of self ignorance! Key-word for living content, happy, peaceful and fearless life!!! How the poor should attain riches? The need of euthanasia; etc.
About the Author
I am Eknath Kisan Wani, the author of this book, born on 1st June 1945 in a very poor family in an undeveloped small village in India. Despite the intense scarcity of food, I completed the education till 7th standard in the same village. Then I migrated to Pune with the help of the elder brother. I came to the big city of Pune but there was no one to help and no backing of money. Forget about the staying arrangements, it was hard to get the food for two times. But despite such situations I continued education in the night school. I passed the 11th standard by working in various roles like as a porter, plate-cleaner in hotel, domestic help, and office boy etc. during the day. Later I continued the education at Night College for one-two more years after getting a reasonably paying job. But later giving more Importance to sort out the financial problems I gave up the education. More details about me has been mentioned in my first book ‘Me, Earth & Travel’. After getting financially settled I started getting the view of the real God of this creation structure, our Mother Earth. I completed the desire of getting the view of Earth during almost 25 years by travelling in main countries of all six continents. Then I published a 680 pages book ‘Me, Earth and the Travel’. This became very popular amongst Marathi speaking readers. It got such admiration from all spheres that its two editions of 2200 copies finished within a short time by only mouth publicity. The chapters ‘Astronomical Earth, Geographical Earth and the Human and Animate Beings on the Earth’ were not much understood by the readers. But according to the saying of famous scientist Albert Einstein - ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’ I discovered the real live God owing to my observations during travel and the thought (imagination) power and realized how prevailing notions are wrong. So with the intention to clear up the ignorance and for the wellbeing of all humankind which is laden by the traditional misunderstandings I have written this book in a simple and understandable language. I have brought forth the things that are not resolved by the humankind so far. I am sure that if the principles and information contained in this book are actually implemented the human will have no fear or problem left in his/ her life. I am also sure that if the copies of this book reach to the corners of Earth, It will clear up the ignorance, illusion and fear of the humankind and make their lives immaculate. I wish that at least 10 million copies of this book be sold all over the world and 50% of the royalty (excluding expenses) per copy that I would get be spent on charity. Author : Eknath Kisan Wani Email :