Success Through Self Evaluation

Think and Act Differently for Success

by Dr. Abhilash Chembath


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05-01-2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781482868692
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781482868685

About the Book

Self-evaluation is a great tool to overcome obstacles when you walk towards success since one of the main barriers towards your success is your own mind/thoughts. You can thus bring into your life more positives and more self-awareness and, in turn, redirect those into a focused pathway to attain great success. The actual “you” will be brought out with immense potential to go ahead in great speeds. Many real-life examples are quoted for a nice understanding for the readers. This book is intended to cater to the needs of each and every people, irrespective of gender, profession, age, etc. Thus, a kindergarten child to an old-aged person can easily comprehend it since it is presented in a simple manner, in simple language, with life examples. Another basic problem which we face when moving towards success is lack of self-awareness. Instead of correcting us, we generally try to correct others. Here, Dr. Abhilash Chembath narrates, with lots of humour and applied intelligence, many tips to undergo self-evaluation and thereby correct one’s self first then others. Success is obviously possible when we have a mind to change our patterns of thinking, acting, and performing/behaving. Dr. Abhilash Chembath, with his simple and humorous writing style, presents before you techniques to create and maintain a simple, healthy, harmonious life.

About the Author

He is a practitioner of psychological counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, behavioural trainings, etc. He is a doctor (PhD) in counselling, has an MS in counselling and MD in hypnotherapy, and holds a master’s degree in social works (MSW). A renowned public speaker and social reformer, he has done so many researches in social/human reformation area. He earlier worked in MNCs in various areas.