Café Commoners
Book Details
About the Book
Diary writing has moved a long way from being discrete entries arranged by date and reporting on the events of the day gone by (originally in hand-written format), to blogs and vlogs (video blogs) on social media. Café, possibly, hasn’t. French philosopher founded Café-Philo with the objective of bringing people together in a public friendly forum where they could discuss ideas, share experience and thoughts on wide ranging issues in a relaxed atmosphere. The idea clearly was and still is to add a dash of fun and excitement to the discussion. Here at such cafés, ideas exchanged are still in the spirit of tolerance and openness. Like any other true and quintessential Bengali, Ritwik also loves to join such relaxed and widely diverse conversations among friends and like-minded people, often called adda. And believe you me, such addas would refresh, refuel and rejuvenate you. They would also offer some food for thoughts. Café Commoners is a compilation of such food for thoughts, narrated in the spirit of adda. These are leafs out of a common man’s diary, albeit without date, time and chronology and recollected later in tranquility. Who says life is to be seen in black & white? What can be more colourful than life? “Café Commoners” seeks to discover or re-discover these colours in black & white
About the Author
A postgaduate in economics from Calcutta University and PG diploma holder in journalism, Ritwik has put in more than 26 years in the field, working for leading business dailies and magazine including The Economic Times, Financial Express, Business Today, Hindustan Times and Financial Chronicle, in different capacities. When he joined this profession while still in college, it was by accident, but the continuance has certainly been by choice and passionate involvement. He pursued his studies and his profession simultaneously, and in all these years, he has enjoyed overcoming challenges with a clear, logical mind and a practical approach. He has all along been driven by the broader perspectives and larger socio-economic impact that a particular event or chain of events is likely to have. Financial journalism in India was at its nascence when I joined back in 1989. It has come a long way since then, giving me the opportunity to grow with the profession. Over this period, he has also had the chance of working for an international news agency like AFP as well as the London Observer on a special editorial project. Ritwik has also authored a number of books in Bengali --- “Swore Byanjone”, a book of nursery rhymes, ‘Offbeat: Collection of Political and other anecdotes’, travelogues and novellas like ‘Grihabrobesh’, ‘Proyodarshini Toke’. One of them, Chin: Mao Theke Jemin, (China: From Mao to Jemin), tracing China’s transition from the Mao era to the Ziang Jemin regime, also received the Kavi Satyen Dutta Memorial Award. Ritwik has had the privilege of teaching financial journalism as a guest lecturer at Calcutta University and Burdwan University and was also invited to speak at The Economic Forum organised by The Institute of Eastern Studies, Warsaw, Poland, and at the Energy Forum organised by the same institute for three consecutive years (2014 , 2015, 2016).