The Globules of Elixir
Quench Your Thirst with Amalgam of Verse-Lets
Book Details
About the Book
A brain with infinite thoughts and a heart with countless sentiments form us. It makes us feel alive. This book is a collection of poems scribbled at miscellaneous points in life, in diverse backgrounds and circumstances. These poems are much relatable to each one of us because it’s a tray of emotions that is served to every person at least once in a lifetime. It tries to capture moments infused by the idea of eternality, infinity. The idea that one of the best ways to conquer the ephemeral, to bring death near death is to write. Because art is something that never has an end. It is eternal and also adds up color and exuberance to bare and empty to a dead. So by this prose considered to be the elixir, the author wants to immortalize her emotions and passions. From wearing your crown of optimism to finding the magic wand inside you, from fighting the past to holding a sword tight to fight the battles forward. Speaking about all, this book is a sea of vastness, expansive and limitless, where every wave is a different emotion, but this sea would not only show you the pebbles and gravel coming with waves but also the pearls hidden inside, for which it also sheds light on hope, a hope to see the shore someday.
About the Author
Shubhangi Bhargava, born in India and currently pursuing law at Government Law College, Mumbai, is an amateur poet, and this is her first poetry collection. She is an avid traveler who finds solace in nature and considers experience as her guiding force. She feels words are impervious to death and the only way to eternalize her feelings is to pen them down. Hence, this collection is a potpourri of all the emotions as strings of one single umbrella she holds. You can read more of her works at the blog she writes by the name, or to know more about her, you may mail her at