Weight Loss A Rocket Science

Our believe in Eradication Of Obesity from Mankind

by Sunny Bawa


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₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31-03-2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781482872699
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781482872828
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781482872705

About the Book

This book will help you unwind Why your BODY being the most intelligent piece of equipment ever made, which can automatically calculate how much calories it requires to sustain and grow just like it regulates body temperature and adapts to exercises, still obesity is spreading like a Epidemic. We will go through the secret of food, body physiology, psychology, biochemistry and pathology of Obesity . This book will enable you to increase your horizon of knowledge in the field of Fat accumulation in our body. The story begins with Nutrition and Exercise, then it takes a turn into digestion of food in our body, our body physiology, then there is a discussion about various pathologies and psychological reasons that can lead to obesity. Medical Remedy to Obesity is discussed by the time we are reaching end of the book and then there is Biochemistry quotient (Bio Q), Authors own formulation based on his 10 years experience with weight management patients. Bio Q can be defined as the perceived ability of our body to various biochemistry measurements in plasma. Bio Q is the reason why one diet doesn’t fit all individuals, the chapter explains how people with various Bio Q numbers can be prescribed life style changes for a more effective weight loss.

About the Author

He’s a Sports Doctor with Masters degree in Sports Medicine. He specializes in Nutrition and Micro-Trauma Injuries. He has an overall work experience of 10 years and handing weight loss needs since 2006. He has been associated with athletes and games for long . He was part of the Commonwealth Health Team for Delhi 2010. He has been the official team doctor for ICC World Cup, Indian Athletics (Track and Field) and boxing teams. A Natural body builder himself he’s has won titles of Mr. Mumbai and Chandigarh. He still trains and coaches celebrities and pro-athletes with special needs. One of the founders of NidSun clinics, He and His Team has a vision to bring world class health facilities to the common man at the best price aiming at their long term health & fitness goals and hence provide Quality of life free of diseases, that is a birth right of every human being