Kitaaba Wal-Hikmata
Anti-Global Resurrection Vol. III
Book Details
About the Book
Was-Salaamu alaa manit-taba’al Hudaa, They (Muusa and Haarun) said, “Our Rab! We fear lest he [Firawn] hasten with insolence against us, or lest he transgress all bounds.” He said, “Fear not, for I am with you. I hear and see [everything]. So go you both to him (owner of Windows 7 Ultimate) and say, ‘Verily we are messengers [Rasuula Rabbika] sent by your Rab. Send forth, therefore, Bani-Israa-iil [those who had made covenant with Allah on the right side of Mount Tuur over water] with us and afflict them not. We bring you a clear proof from your Rab [bi-Aayatim-mir-Rabbik] and peace to all who follow right guidance [Was-Salaamu alaa manit-taba’al Hudaa]. Verily it has been revealed to us that the penalty awaits those who reject manifest truth / clear proof and turn away from right guidance [annal-Azaaba alaa man kazzaba wa tawallaa]’” (Sura [19]—Taa-Haa—45 to 48). Responsible chairs and legitimate authorities, With due honour and respect, I would like to announce Anti-Global Resurrection, seeking global recognition for the sake of intrinsically luminous moon (quadrilateral shining star or Shiraa like a diamond) as the world’s (nonluminous moons) only permanent natural satellite and corresponding upright rectangular universe, equal and opposite revelation (Trinity/Tawraat) and corresponding east horizon and west horizon (black and white triangles / Samawati wal-Arz / Sirius binary system), four basic forces and four Galilean moons and corresponding four cardinal directions and crucified sign, self-evident concept (Furqan) of manifested nature (Tawraat and Injiil) and corresponding natural environment (Injiil and Zabuur), equal and opposite stages of journey of the so-called sun (bullet / Tarash-Shamsa) as the manifested sign (clear proof) of natural magnetism and corresponding north and south directions, established child rights and corresponding quality education, sanctity of education and corresponding solidified solid human rights (to share verifiable and justifiable manifest truth openly and publicly), justifiable valid knowledge (philosophy) and corresponding verifiable certain knowledge (science), established mandates of social justice and corresponding fairness with the contents of verifiable and justifiable appeal, overview of the so-far established mandates and global rights and corresponding open and public announcement of the greatest war (Jihad-e-Akbar) against the Trinity of self-evident hypocrites—teleological evidence sorcerers, extreme epistemic persecutors, established mandates of national and international peace and harmony of the globe and corresponding survival of the truest, freedom from obligation and corresponding rejection of invented lies of the global mafias and introduced falsehoods of the International Scientific Soldiers (ISS) of Activism and Terrorism, utilitarian liberation and corresponding greatest happiness of the greatest number, summum bonum of life and corresponding upright justness with equal and opposite historically prevailing identified learning gaps objectively and searched out necessary remedial measures shared as solidified solid human rights.
About the Author
The sharer of Kitaaba Wal-Hikmata is a sufferer of subjective self-contradictions and objective paradoxes in the prevailing pen, paper, and pencil epistemology due to the historical trinity of manifest hypocrisy, teleological evidence of sorcery, and extreme epistemic persecution, as well as propagation of self-evident plagiarism without a broken bar. He wrote Kitaaba Wal-Hikmata with a view to share openly and publicly the sought-out manifest truth (“Injiil” in correspondence with “Tawraat”) as an inspired duty, as well as with a view to get recognized confirmation of the sought-out manifest truth for the sake of the sanctity of education, utilitarianism, and survival of the truest.