An Ant Measured an Ant—Five Feet Six Inches

A Story of Two Genius Ants Who Spoke Human Language

by Ashok Sharda


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₹ 1,249.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21-09-2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781543703801
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781543703795
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781543703788

About the Book

An Ant Measured an Ant—Five Feet Six Inches is a story of two genius ants that can read and speak human language, who are well versed in all the branches of human knowledge. By virtue of the law of accident, the author and the ants run into each other and develop a lasting friendship. In the course of their interactions, the ants tell him how, by a twist of fate, they got their potential back that the ant species had lost in the dark of history. They turned the act of fate into a conscious act. In their own words, ‘what we are today is the consequential effect of the activated buffered code aided by the consequential effect of our own conscious efforts. It’s not the brain size or mass ratio but how you use your intelligence and what role nature has played in determining your potentials or putting a buffer between you and your potential at a later date, owing to non-use or misuse. This, the ants claim, will become the very cause of the fall of mankind. The known history of ants thus will become the future of mankind. The author is convinced that the very causes that buffered ants’ potentials once upon a time will block human potentials too, unless, of course, humans realize this predicament in the offing before it is too late. This novel, in a sense, is a wake-up call.

About the Author