About Music Industry for Beginners

For budding sound engineers (audiophiles), music performers, music educators, musical content creators, Music Business Startups, film & music lovers

by Girish Patro


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₹ 169.00
₹ 499.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30-12-2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781543706239
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781543706246

About the Book

We must agree that the role of Arts, Commerce & Science are equally important in Career Development to survive, but we have lost the focus on ‘Arts’ or ‘Skills’ in our Education System which used to be our Assets.The goals to write this book is, 1. To develop and make a full-time career in Music Business, Music Performance, Music Production and Sound Reinforcement - The lessons describes the procedures and methods to develop a set of Skills and motivates the reader to become a self-trainable content creator, a performer or a service provider.The lessons describes to learn your responsibilities and motivates to find too many solutions for each problem and applying one of them according to the situation. 2. To spread awareness about right informations of Music Business, Music Performance, Music Production and Sound Reinforcement to the listeners (consumers, music lovers) - The lessons are simplified and properly organised.If we put an analogy of learning all about our music industry with human body analysis, then the first lesson would be about showing you a human body instead of explaining a human intestine. 3. To establish and maintain a long term business environment in Music Industry - The lessons always motivate and encourage the reader to reduce or remove dirty politics and other related loopholes existing in Music Industry by demanding and mentioning terms and responsibilities clearly in contract agreements (in written formats on stamp papers). The author may put some analogy as one of his methods to explain each lesson such as ‘Cooking Techniques’ as ‘Mixing Techniques’; ‘Hot’ as ‘Loud’, where hot can be a touch or taste sensation and loud (loudness or volume control in your remote or a dedicated knob in your playback system) as a listening sensation.If we put an analogy of learning audio recording skills with riding a bike, then the author love to explain the bike riding skills, maintenance of a bike, introducing recent technology used, safety precautions for the biker, traffic rules and regulations, but the author hasn’t explained the features and functions of different products(different brands of bikes), because features and functions changes according to recent technology development.And features and functions of different products (different brands of bikes) can be learnt through their respective official websites so that the learner as a customer will make his / her own decision about purchasing a product (certain brand of a bike) as per his / her requirements. In this book the author may have mentioned few products as examples to focus on the Technology applied in the products; that doesn’t mean he promote those products.We can’t rely on technology to correct major amount of errors because it has some limitations.For a limited time period, the technology can be used to correct a minimum amount of errors.It is better to use technology in methods for practicing more of the arts or skills so that the error will be reduced at the input. Girish Patro

About the Author

The Author, Girish Patro, is a well known Trainer in Music Production and Sound Engineering.He has trained more than 170 budding sound engineers, music performers, music educators at Sound Engineering Academy (Trivandrum), who are currently working at the Music Industry in India and abroad. He also worked as a Sound Engineer Assistant at Omgrown Music Studio (Mumbai) who provide Music Production services to Ad Agencies and Film Production Companies.His work and workflow of each assigned task are appreciated, specially in Audio Editing. He found that most of the people are not aware of many informations regarding Career Opportunities in Music Industry.Most of the budding sound engineers and music performers are deviated their responsibilities from “focusing on crafting and creating rich contents” to “focusing more on technical enhancement of poor contents / average quality of contents in their audio-visual products”.Thus he has decided to write a book which includes valuable informations, industry standard workflow procedures and methods to develop a set of skills used in Music Production and Music Business so that the reader will become a self-trainable content creator, performer, educator or service provider. This book is dedicated to budding sound engineers (audiophiles), music performers, music educators, musical content creators, film and music lovers and also dedicated for those who want to establish a long term business environment in Entertainment Industry. For more details about the author, pre-order this book in your preferred regional language and other upcoming books, then Please visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/girishpatro/ https://indierecordlabel.wixsite.com/girishpatro/