The Battle of the Unknown

A Mystic Adventure Unfolds

by Pranav Krishna


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₹ 169.00

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18-07-2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 294
ISBN : 9781543709599
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 294
ISBN : 9781543709612
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 294
ISBN : 9781543709605

About the Book

As human civilisation progressed, more and more destruction occurred at the hands of these advanced humans. Mother Nature, in turn, struck back. Disasters became more common, to the point where, by the year 2500, Mother Nature reclaimed almost everything! These disasters eventually stopped. Humans had once again become primitive and then they started to rebuild. They started small, building villages, then towns, markets, cities, and slowly, countries. Some countries became massive empires, like the Caracal Empire, which conquered the Middle East, the Caucasus, Southern Europe, and North Africa. But, in the region called ‘Anatolia’, a lycanthrope, Vandalitser, was born. He was trained in advanced magic, and eventually built an empire, stretching from Western Europe to Japan:“The Vandalitserian Empire” and rediscovered old human technology to create a colossal virus army. It is year 3020. A peaceful afternoon of a remote village in Japan is shattered by the attack of the Demons. It’s up to the two young Ninjas, Kei and Tai along with their Sensei to stop these attacks and annihilate these demons and the evil wizard Vandalitser, who wishes to have suzerainty over the world! Will the young Ninja’s be able to stop this Wizard?

About the Author

Fascinated by stories about animals and space since the age of two, Pranav Krishna would be in his world of imagination, creating stories and enacting the same tales. He started to write stories at the age of six, something which he still continues. At the age of eight, his parents presented his first book—a collection of short stories titled Bumble Bee’s Flight to Fantasy, which was sold through online platforms. At the age of fourteen and as a grade-nine student at the National Academy for Learning, Bangalore North, Pranav is excited about his first publication. Pranav decided to write his full book in the year 2020. This book, The Battle of the Unknown is a result of three years of his dedication and imaginative play. An indoor child by choice, Pranav’s interests are reading and his game of chess for a couple of hours during the weekend on his PlayStation. An occasional run at the basketball court and walks to meet his friends take him outdoors. Growing up listening to Hindu mythology, Pranav explored and read world history; his fascination has been towards Egyptian, Greek, and Norse mythologies. Pranav is also immensely inspired by the writings of J K Rowling, Christopher Paolini, and Rick Riordan. He considers himself a Potterhead.