Over 65 and Still in Demand - But Isn’t it Time for Retirement?
Live the retirement you deserve. It is not the ante-room to eternity but a new beginning based on your life’s passions and purpose. And you have your whole lifetime to prepare for it.
Do not neglect this Gift but plan it - just like a career.
Modern medicine and technology have added 25 to 30 years to retirement. The quality of your retirement – Your Pursuit of Happiness or Boredom – will be determined by how you live it.
It is the opportunity to put your signature to your legacy.
Many of us dream about how we will spend our retirement years. Travelling and spending quality time with the family whilst remaining healthy and purposefully engaged, are among popular retirement goals. For many, however, these remain dreams, since 70 percent of baby boomers may not retire on time.
How will you transition into retirement?
For those who can retire, this book provides a roadmap of the eight areas to address for a purposeful retirement and six practical steps that will turn your passions into the plan of “what to do with your day in retirement” – from Scope of Leisure to Self-actualization.
It leads you to conduct periodic 3-5 yearly reviews of your retirement goals, how to revalue what you have achieved and how to motivate and reinvigorate yourself for the next cycle.
It addresses why some people find an easy rhythm into retirement, while for others it is an ongoing nightmare, and reflects on what worries someone nearing retirement age and how the economy, inflation and health matters will erode your nest egg.
It takes an anchored approach and look at what your values are all about i.e.:
A rediscovery and re-affirmation of your vision and mission.
Your own identity and self-realization of who you are.
Your purpose and passions - what you want to do from here on with your life.
Your relationships, their changing structure and the players within.
Your location and search for a place to retire.
Your legacy and taking the flame forward.
And the resources to make all of this possible, including your health, finances and time.
And for those who do not - or cannot - retire “on time,” it explores ways to remain relevant in the job market.
Sins come home to roost.
There is no wealth without health. This book addresses the top health issues for both sexes – including the challenge of obesity - and what can be done about them.
To have a friend be a friend.
Be it with family, friends, at work or in general, good relationships make life worthwhile and help you grow. It engenders trust, acceptance, support, and relates you to people with whom to share and celebrate your ups and downs, your wins and losses. It reduces stress and gives you an overall sense of belonging, satisfaction and happiness – a feeling that you matter after all.
This book discusses the importance of retaining and building out the relationships that are part of your current and future support structure.
Let your heart be where your home is.
We all need a place to retire. Location, safety, mobility and independence often become issues between retirees and children who would like to have their parents retire in a safe and comfortable place whilst retirees want to remain mobile and independent. This book addresses these issues and the factors on deciding where to retire.
Travel Teaches
The world is constantly shrinking and planes have become buses with wings. The more we travel and engage other cultures it becomes apparent that “there are no lesser people, only different people”. And for those who (literally) run into unpleasant weather on a holiday, this book helps to maintain the perspective that weather is both part nature, part attitude.
Money talks. Does yours stutter?
Money is a symbol and a tool. Though this book does not purport to provide consultative solutions to financial matters, it covers the Four Lessons on saving as well as the ten components of a financial plan and extra income lines for those who cannot retire or would want to keep working in retirement.
The global workforce is shrinking and graying.
This book discusses how to get your foot in the door and prepare for interviews, including how to handle age-related questions. It mentions the industries that are and will be hard hit by the daily retirement of between 8,000 and 10,000 baby boomers in the USA alone.
Emerging workforce issues work in favor of those who want to remain employed, and the myths and facts about senior workers is an eye-opener that underscores their continued value in industry.
Technology - differentiator to serve and not to rule.
This book examines the increasing importance of technology within retirement, especially on healthcare, work in retirement, communication and social interaction, lifestyle and assisted living as well as senior finance.
Society must, however, ensure that it does not lead to an Age of Difference or perhaps Indifference between technocrats and technophobes.
It examines the role and usage of the internet as destination and doorway. It further looks at the issues, costs, dangers and benefits of technology in retirement, and suggests basic email and broader communications etiquette for staying out of trouble.
Perspectives and Pearls for life
What roles do you believe you play in life? Is it destiny-maker, spouse, family man, intellectual, mental, spiritual, social and civic being, wealth-maker, student, mentor, guardian of body, soul, spirit, purpose and passions, and participant in and contributor to the Journey of Life?
Stay focused. Steer your life, don’t let it steer you.
Never give up. And don’t always expect “gold”. Count your blessings every day. Stay true to yourself.
Look back only to evaluate, appreciate and be proud of what you have achieved. Look where you are now but guard against smugness, regret, depression or envy. Look forward with optimism. You are in control again - able to shape your destiny. Ask what will truly make you happy. Then go after it.
You can be free in a jail or a prisoner in a palace, depending on your mindset. The choice is yours and note that the consequences may last a life time. Be kind and good to yourself and those around you – whom-ever they are and whatever that may be.
You share the Universe with all. Be a proud Custodian.
And don’t give up. Ever.
“Because Dreams are but Achievements-in-Waiting”
Kris Moller combines the hindsight of experience and age with knowledge and research to help you prepare for the retirement you deserve.
Yes there is an “Action Replay” button.
It is called “Retirement”.
This is a book about living it.