Every human being is blessed to have talents, knowledge and experience. That’s why they are able to dream to become somebody and to have a better life in the future. Sometimes people would only focus on the knowledge and experience to reach their dreams. They seem to put their talents behind and situation would force them just to focus on the knowledge. This perspective would sometimes are used by some grown ups to drive their children to have a dream based on the knowledge. Grown ups have their own perspective based on their experience.
I have knowledge and experience but I don’t know what my dream is. I did not know what I want to be when I grow older. I just thought that I was losing my identity. Do you know why because I lived in what people called dream. Born in middle class family who happened to move from one country to another one and by the age of 11, I had to live in 5 different places. My life was in fact a dream to another child’s dream: I experienced to wander around and got closed to Japanese traditional way of life: efficient and effective. Other time I could have a chance to get remote in Hongkong.
Travelling is one thing my familly is blessed for. We did not have a dream to travel all the time it just happen that way and some other time in the future I then realised that I live in a beautiful life something that we need to share to other people. Another thing I learnt is that travelling, or I called it experience to teach us a precious moment to pursue our own dream. Rules are the most important one and that is not something you get from books but from a “ritual” you learn in the family. You will have to learn and practice it everyday and it should start from home. Wherever you go you will find that you will do the same thing without anyone ask you to do it. Be able to adapt is another thing you will find by moving from one place to another one. Again, you won’t find how to adapt by reading text books. You will need to have your mind, your ears, your instinct to be able to adapt in different places. When you step your foot in reality for instance in your work place you will then be able to adapt to any characters you might find in every human being.
On the other side living like a gypsie make me feel “unconsious”. I don’t know what I want to be. Until one day I knew what I wanted to be. I wish that I could have a book written by myself and people would easily find it on the store. It is quite simple dream but I did not have courage to pursue. I also thought that I was just too old to be an author. What happen surround me like social media and reality show made me realise that we are not too old to set a new goal. We are also not robots who can not do anything yet the universe would make us strong and active like robot with our talents, knowledge and experience. Woud you then reach your goal? It depends on you whether you respect time to know yourself. Once you recognise it you might say nothing but: “I am a dreamer..so what..!”