MathBrain by BrainThink Learning

by Karen Kwan, Lynn Lim & Dr. Tay Choo Chuan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/8/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781543749793
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781543749809
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781543749786

About the Book

MathBrain is the abillity to solve problems using 5 brain abilities and math principles. This book will guide you in understanding how human brain works and learn so that you can help your child to learn MathBrain through BrainThink Learning. BrainThink Learning is a technique of encouraging children to participate in meaningful and purposeful activities that would stimulate their natural learning abilities. In other words, endorsing fun play times while learning. Vedic Math is a math principles that improves thoughts processing in simple steps and flexes the brain muscles to enhance its natural uninhibited learning ability. With BrainThink Learning, in understanding how human brain works and learns, you can eventually improve your child’s critical thinking skills. You will also master the skill to train your child’s brain by understanding their 5 Brain Abilities: attention, visualization (cognitive), logical thinking, memory and processing speed. Remember, each child can absolutely enjoy learning as much as they enjoy playing because children have natural motivation to play as well as learn. With fun comes curiosities, and the more curious our children are, the more rewarding their learning will be. Warning! Get rid of using the standard answer mentality! It’s the number 1 killer of creativity and learning. Complimentary 5 Brain Abilities assessment worth USD$24.95 ( Details in chapter 8 !

About the Author

Lynn Lim is a proud mother of three young boys who started her working career as an accountant before becoming a teacher. She has been a practitioner of BrainThink learning principles at Math Monkey MathBrain center as well as with her own children at home. Her young boys are trained to be independent, and she wishes to share her experience with other parents. Karen Kwan is an author, speaker, business coach, and the owner of two children education franchises: Math Monkey (Hong Kong) Limited and English Eagle (Hong Kong) Limited. She is also the chairlady of Early Childhood Association and Asia Branding & Franchising Association. She is a mother of three daughters and enjoys finding innovative ways to promote learning in children. She has been a mentor, speaker, and lecturer for renowned institutions.