The Creative Passport

Your Creative Journey Starts Here

by JM Kayne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/7/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781543781649
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781543781632

About the Book

A lot of people are so keen when it comes to academics, learning theories and simply following the scholastic sets of knowledge and skills. At times, a part of our soul wanders and asks what if I pursue a creative living? This book/workbook will help readers discover their potentials and follow their curiosity towards a more creative life. You don’t need to be an artist such as singer, painter etc., you just need to enjoy the process and allow this tool to give you the opportunity to pursue creativity in whatever form you might discover along the way. This creative workbook is a simple guide to live a life with purpose and creativity. Because we are all destined for greatness. It tackles 12 topics, which represents the 12 months of the year, a page or two of reading or the study part on the basic concepts of the month’s topic such as Passion Projects, Habits, Self-Care etc., then followed by 3-5 creative activities, a habit tracker, and a space to practice journaling. Here’s an overview of the contents: Part 1 - A QUICK REVIEW (Review of the past year) Part 2 - YOUR BATTLE CRY (The next year’s theme) Part 3 - CREATIVE CURIOSITY - What is Creative Curiosity? Part 4 - EXPLORING CREATIVITY - Pursuing creativity whole year round.

About the Author

An OFW for more than a decade, JM Kayne is an HR Learning and Performance Management professional currently based in Dubai UAE. She is a teacher by profession, taught ESL (English as a Second Language) for 3+ years and left Cebu in 2008 for a greener pasture in the United Arab Emirates. Her way of coping up to the life abroad is to share her encounters on her personal blog at A space where she shares the stories of her heart and her own creative endeavors. A writer and editor of MFC UAE community magazine – The Vineyard Magazine & Studio, vlogs on Youtube via JM Kayne on #JMTV and creates online classes at The Creative Passport Online School.