The Second Collection

by Nalini Dhiman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/6/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781543781670
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781543781656
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781543781663

About the Book

We are unique people – the total (or not) of every experience we have been through. The Second Collection is also a collection of unique stories intricately woven in poetry. Maybe you will relate to some. Maybe you will not. But what you will experience is the emotions – pain, joy, grief, fear – that the stories in this book hold. Some of them might bring a tear to your eyes, others might remind you of good old days. There is something for those who simply like to ride the rollercoaster of life. Alas, there is something in here for everyone.

“The poet genuinely depicts her intricate relationships and intriguing encounters with the people around her, her beloved father in particular. The profound feelings expressed, the sophistication in diction and her love and affection in life make it a good read. An anthology not to be missed!”
Maggie Hiu-kin NG, English Panel Chairperson in Hong Kong

“Nalini’s writing is rich with melancholy, transporting the reader into a nostalgic landscape of memories. But I also find it uplifting in the way it delicately weaves in threads of hope, love, and sometimes playful humor – ultimately making each poem a life-affirming read.”
Tristan Lavender, Writer, Speaker, & Photographer

About the Author

Nalini wrote her first book, called The Labyrinth of Clouds, at the age of 15. But her very first poem can be traced back to the tender age of ten, when she believed that a poem was not a poem if it didn’t rhyme. Now, she studies Big Data and Quantitative Marketing, and she is not rhyming her poems.