The Revolution of Our Times

Neither Popular nor Masses New Elites, Destruction and Disaster

by Abdulmouti Souwed



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/6/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781543781946
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781543781953

About the Book

The book With the decline of cultural discourse in our contemporary century and the strong emergence of the economic phenomenon and its dictators in the daily life of people in today’s world, which has created amazing poverty in the discourse of (reason) and extreme poverty in awareness of the meaning of life and higher values. Economic control has led to the birth of elites (of money and business) and wealth. Lightness in weight and lightness in intellectual production and meaning in its speeches, but is economics a speech? Money first, but then what? A collection of questions and discussions about the fate of the world that does not think. In return, the tragedy of the era has generated poverty, famine hunger, see( On April 17, 2024, the 2023 Global Hunger Index (GHI) Report UN ) and daily misery for huge segments in today’s world. As the saying is broadcast, ‘’an empty stomach does not think’’, and we are faced with double poverty: an economy poor in thought and the poor deprived of the strength of the stomach and (the head). Does humanity today think about acquiring the skill of thinking?

About the Author

Souwed Abdulmouti was born in 1943 in a traditional, modest environment in thinking and behavior region and hometown, Homs (Syria). His father died early because of diabetic issue. Primary school was mostly a failure, the neighborhood where he lived in his childhood had two mosques, and during the summer he used to enter them to drink cold water from naturally cooled clay pots. Some books of philosophy opened up his life path of thought while he was in junior high school. At the end of middle school, he moved to Damascus, until the end of his university level, then he set out to France where he obtained a Doctorate in Islamic Philosophy Studies, (Dialectic – Al Tawhid), at Sorbonne University 1979, (Paris), Maitrise in Comparative Philosophy, at (Nancy University France 1972), has Bachelor philosophy 1968 Damascus University.