Pricing & Royalty

How long does it take for a sale to be listed in my online “Sales Activity Report”?

The information in the “Sales Report” is updated throughout the quarter to give you an idea of how and where your book is selling. We deliver sales information to you as soon as we can, however this data cannot be updated in real time and may not reflect finalized information.

The time it takes a sale to be listed in your sales report is determined by the type of sale:

Sale type

Time until listed

Partridge Singapore Bookstore

72 hours

Consumer sales (i.e., call-in purchases through Partridge Singapore)

72 hours

Retail sales (e.g., Amazon.com)

Four weeks or more

Please note: External retailers —Amazon and Barnes and Noble— operate under their own schedules, and Partridge Singapore cannot control the frequency with which they report sales information.