Kirkus Indie Basic


Getting a book review is perhaps one of the most challenging tasks for any published author. A positive book review from a respected source can lend a great deal of credibility to your published work and have an immeasurable impact on your book sales.

Promote your book with one of the most trusted brands in the publishing industry. The Kirkus Indie Marketing Packages combine the Kirkus Indie Review Service, the Partridge Catalog listing distributed to Kirkus database, and an advertisement within the pages of the Kirkus Magazine to provide a marketing plan for your book that can help optimize your sales.

The Kirkus Indie Basic Review package includes:

  • Kirkus Standard Review

    It is a paid review service of Kirkus Reviews written by qualified professionals, such as librarians, nationally published journalists, creative executives, and more.

    The review provides an honest, caveat-emptor evaluation under the same impartial rubric and in the same format and style as a traditional Kirkus review. Kirkus Indie posts these reviews on their website and the reviews are also eligible for inclusion in the Kirkus Indie monthly eNewsletter, which highlights the best submissions to the program at no extra cost. The eNewsletter goes to a targeted base of subscribers, including agents, editors, and librarians.

    The turnaround time for this service is 12 to 14 weeks.
  • Kirkus Catalog (Quarter Page)

    Partridge Singapore has partnered with Kirkus Reviews to create a catalog that exclusively features Author Solutions titles. Once slots are filled, the catalog is sent to Kirkus Reviews subscribers.

    Each page contains up to 4 title listings. Each title contains cover image, up to 60-word description, author’s name, ISBN, publication date and retail price.

* This package includes a cover revision option for authors to include the blurb of the review on the cover.

About Kirkus Reviews:

Kirkus Reviews was founded in 1933. An authoritative voice in book discovery, Kirkus reviews 10,000 books per year, garners an average of 2.6 million website impressions per month, and fosters 65,000 email newsletter subscribers.

Call us today at +65 3165 7531 (Singapore) or +60 3 3099 4412 (Malaysia)

to speak to a consultant and learn more about this service.

Disclaimer: Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Prices listed do not include any applicable sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax, which will be added to the total at the time of purchase. Other restrictions may also apply.