Pricing & Royalty
Will I make money when my book is sold online through Partridge Publishing?
How is the price of my book determined?
What is the royalty percentage for e-books?
Can I change the price of my book later?
How does Partridge Publishing calculate royalty payments?
How am I paid for my royalties?
When am I paid royalties? When do quarters start and end?
Minimum Threshold for Payments
Can my royalty cheque be split between a co-author and myself?
Can I arrange for someone else to receive my royalty payments?
What is the difference between a channel or retail sale and a Partridge Publishing sale?
Am I paid royalty on books I purchase?
Why is my book listed at different prices on certain sites?
How can I track my book sales?
Why does it take so long for Partridge Publishing to post sales from retail bookstores?
How long does it take for a sale to be listed in my online "Sales Activity Report"?
How do I know that I am being paid fairly for my book sales?
I do not have a Social Security number because I am not a U.S. Citizen. What now?
IRS Tax Form for Non-US Citizens
Will Partridge Publishing send me a 1099 to report additional income from royalty payments?